Following the governments latest update we are preparing (step 2) to re-open our doors from 12 April 2021 for the current guideline groups that are allowed to use the centre.
Please remember when you visit Turnberrie’s you will need to wear a face covering and sanitise your hands.
We have worked very hard to be a covid secure business and want to assure all of our customers that we have health and safety protocols in place to help prevent the further spread of COVID-19.
All other groups will be able to come back to Turnberrie’s from 17 May 2021, within the step 3 guidelines.
Fingers crossed we will reach step 4 on 21 June where we hope to remove all legal limits on social contact!
We look forward to welcoming you back very soon and thank you for all your support during this difficult time.
If anyone has any queries, please email us: enquiries@turnberries.co.uk