COVID-19 (24 September 2020)

October 12, 2020

To all our fabulous customers!

We are still open, but there are a few extra rules in place.

We have always prioritised the safety of our customers and staff, and in these uncertain times, this is no different. That’s why we are practicing and enforcing best practices for social distancing and self-isolation in the midst of COVID-19.

As from Thursday 24th September all visitors will need to scan in for NHS Track and Trace. Each group leader has already generated the code that is needed and will be able to help you do this or they will have a visitor sheet to log details for anyone who does not have the app on their mobile phone.

Please ensure that you download the NHS Covid-19 App in readiness to scan the QR code. On arrival you must sanitise your hands and wear a face mask to walk through the building. If you are unable to do this please talk to your group leader.

Unfortunately if you refuse to complete the Track & Trace details you may not be allowed to stay on site.

Thank you for helping us to keep safe and stay legal in these difficult times and please do not hesitate to speak to a member of Turnberrie’s staff if you have any concerns.

We look forward to seeing you back at the centre… it’s good to be back x

Find Us

Turnberrie’s Community Centre
Bath Road
BS35 2BB

Contact Us

01454 868485

Office Hours

Monday: 9am - 4pm
Tuesday: 9am - 3.30pm
Wednesday: 9am - 4pm
Thursday: 9am - 3.30pm
Friday: 9am - 4pm